Campaign Chronology
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This is a short and incomplete timeline of major military events in the history of Aventuria. Detailed histories (in German) can be found here and here .

The various nations of Aventuria reckon their time by different calendars. The most common dating system is counting the years since the fall of the Bosparan empire, abbreviated as years BF (after Bosparan's Fall).

Year BF Event
0 The fall of the Bosparan Empire.
First Orc war
Goblins under their Witch-Empress Kunga Suula establish a kingdom in the Bornland.
Emperor Gerbald grants the Military Order of Arivor rights to all the lands they may conquer in the Bornland.
The Goblin Empire is finally defeated in the battle of Wjassuula. 
The "Priest Emperors" try to establish the Sun-God Praios as the only official God.
Military Orders persecuted. Their armies are destroyed in the battle of Dragon's rift.
The Bornland becomes part of the Empire.
End of the rule of the "Priest Emperors"
? 2nd Orc War
? The Horas Realm achieves independence
TheBornland becomes independent.
The Emperor and his family are shipwrecked and die. Civil war follows in the empire.
The Empire conquers Maraskan
The Evil Mage Galotta bespells the Ogres to ravage the western provinces and march against The Empire. They are stopped in the Ogres' Battle at the Troll's Gates.
Al'Anfa invades the Caliphate. After initial success, the invaders are driven out by Novadi guerrilla harassment with some aid from The Empire and Bornland city states
Emperor Hal mysteriously disappears during a hunt. Count Answin von Rabenmund usurps the throne. The following Civil War ends with Answin's defeat. 
1010-1012 The Orkenstorm: under their "Black Marshal" Sadrak Whassoi the Orks overrun the Svelltland city states and march on The Empire. They are only stopped at the gates of the capital, Gareth.
1016- 1021
Borbarad returns and conquers Maraskan. 
Simultaneously, his followers expand from a Northern stronghold towards the Bornland. Borbarads troops land in Tobria and other points of the coast and march on the Empire. They are stopped at the Troll's Gates in the 3rd Demons' Battle.
Maraskan exiles succeed in reconquering the city of Sinoda at the southern tip of the island
The lords of the Black Lands continue to campaign aggressively.
Civil wars in various border regions of The Empire.
Naval War between Horas realm and Thorwal.
The Orcs become restive again and attack the Northern regions of The Empire. The Orcs fail and Sadrak Whassoi is captured and later killed.
Rhazzazor and Galotta attack The Empire. The campaign fails and Galotta is killed.

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